Thursday, August 13, 2020
Beginners Guide to Noetic Sciences
Beginners Guide to Noetic Sciences A QUICK INTRO TO SCIENCE (AND HOW HUMANS GET BETTER AT UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD)When we t?lk about science, we talk about ?bj??tivit? be it in r????r?h, in experiments ?nd in th? di???v?r? ?f n?w f??t? and ?bj??t?.The ??i?ntifi? way ?nd m?th?d i? th? m??t l?gi??l way t? g? about ?r??fing thing? that were ?r?vi?u?l? unknown, ??t?bli?hing h?w factual they are.Conventional ??i?n?? i? being practiced in th? w?rld today in ??h??l?, research ??ntr??, In?titut?? ?nd th? lik?? ?nd this m?j?rl? ?r??? from the Western w?rld a? a w?? ?f acquiring deeper und?r?t?nding ?nd knowledge ?b?ut our world, about h?w th? cogs and wheels of th??? natural thing? turn and how we ??n actually ???l? th?m t? m?k? ?ur liv?? b?tt?r.Th? major ?ur???? f?r ??i?n?? i? so th?t w? hum?n? ??n learn n?w thing? and th?n u?? th??? new thing? that w? l??rn t? b?tt?r our lives (health wi??, technologically, tr?n???rt?ti?n wise, economically ?? w?ll ?? ?th?r ?????t? of ?ur liv??) ?nd m?v? u? a step or m?r? f?rw?rd.The ??i?nti fi? way (?r m?th?d) involves the observation of wh?t are viewed and ??n?id?r?d as ?r?bl?m?, th? description ?f these ?r?bl?m? f?ll?w?d b? th? ?x??rim?nt?l inv??tig?ti?n of n?tur?l phenomena in a way th?t h???th???? ?nd th??ri?? can be ???tul?t?d t? ?x?l?in th??? ?????t? ?f n?tur?.F?ll?wing th? ???tul?ti?n of hypotheses, ?x??rim?nt? ?r? th?n ??rri?d out in a w?? th?t it ??n be r??li??t?d to t??t th??? th??ri??.Alth?ugh, ??i?n?? is vi?w?d by u? as b?ing inf?llibl?, ?lth?ugh w? vi?w it as being f??tu?l ?nd logical and we think th?t th? truth? ?nd l?w? whi?h we di???v?r thr?ugh it? ?r??ti?? are un?h?ng??bl? and ??nn?t b? ?h?ll?ng?d.N?w f??t? ??n ??m?tim?? ?ri?? th?t ?h?ll?ng? what w? thought w? kn?w ?nd were so ?ur? ?b?ut whi?h l??d? u? t? changing or m?dif?ing our views towards certain things.It i? in thi? way th?t ??i?n?? diff?r? from r?ligi?n as religion i? b???d ?n belief (t?rm?d faith) and ??nn?t b? ?r?v?n t? be ?ith?r false ?r wrong.Religion m?k?? ?l?im? th?t w? ??nn?t ?x??rim?nt ?n and whi?h w? ??nn?t r??ll? explain u?ing our knowledge ?f th? physical ?nd n?tur?l world.In ?im?l?r t?rm?, w? ??n d?fin? ??i?n?? as th? ?tud? ?f thing? and the experimental v?rifi??ti?n ?f th??ri?? ?nd h???th???? to ??t?bli?h th?ir b??i? as facts. It is th? methodological ?nd l?gi??l mean to proof what we already know or what is unknown.WH?T EXACTLY I? THE N??TI? SCIENCE? T? really understand what Noetic Science r??ll? i?, w? first h?v? t? kn?w ?nd understand wh?t th? w?rd N??ti? ??nn?t??.Th? word Noetic itself i? of Gr??k ?rigin ?nd it does n?t h?v? a dir??t tr?n?l?ti?n in th? English Language, wh?t it does m??n th?ugh i? int?rn?l wi?d?m, dir??t knowledge ?f thing? or ?ubj??tiv? und?r?t?nding.Th? ?hil????h?r, Willi?m J?m?? defined N??ti? in th? ???r 1902 as meaning â?t?t?? of insight int? d??th? ?f truth unplumbed b? the di??ur?iv? int?ll??t.Th?? ?r? illuminations, r?v?l?ti?n? full of significance ?nd im??rt?n??, ?ll inarticulate ?v?n th?ugh they r?m?in; ?nd ?? a rul? th?? ??r r? with th?m a curious sense of ?uth?rit?â¦âIn ?th?r w?rd?, N??ti? is a t?rm that describes ?nd connotes thing? of th? mind ?u?h as thoughts, int?nti?n?, understanding, thinking, b?li?f? ?nd ?th?r things r?l?ting t? the intellect. N??ti?? ??nn?t?? th??? thing? th?t g? ?n in ?ur various mind? whi?h ???m int?ngibl?, it ??nn?t?? mind ??w?r.Combining N??ti? ?nd ??i?n?? t?g?th?r, w? ??n th?n infer that Noetic ??i?n?? i? th? ?tud? of thing? N??ti? in the ??i?ntifi? way. N??ti? science i? a field that contains multiple di??i?lin?? and bring? together ??i?ntifi? t??l? whi?h ?r? ?bj??tiv? along with the ?ubj??tiv? kn?wl?dg? th?t i? ?r???nt in?id? ?f us ?? ?? t? ?tud? th? full, wide ?nd vast range of human ?x??ri?n???.N??ti? science i? the ???li??ti?n of ??i?ntifi? t??hni?u?? ?nd t??l? t? ?r??f Noetics. It is the methodological and l?gi??l ways through which ?ll thing? N??ti?? ??n b? v?rifi?d ?nd ?r?v?n on a ??i?ntifi? b??i?.The t?rm N??ti? ??i?n??? ??m? int? ?xi?t?n?? in th? ???r 1973 whe n the A??ll? 14 ??tr?n?ut, Dr Edgar Mitchell f?und?d th? Institute of N??ti? S?i?n???.A ??u?l? of thing? ?r? im??rt?nt and ??ntr?l to th? N??ti? ??i?n??? ?u?h as;C?n??i?u?n???Consciousness ????rding to th? M?rri?m Webster dictionary m??n? âth? condition of b?ing ??n??i?u?: th? n?rm?l ?t?t? of b?ing ?w?k? and ?bl? t? und?r?t?nd what i? h????ning around ??u.âN??ti? scientists define personal ??n??i?u?n??? as ?w?r?n??? â" th?t is, a personâs ??r???ti?n and interpretation ?f the ?nvir?nm?nt in whi?h h? ?r ?h? ?xi?t?. Thi? includes beliefs, int?nti?n?, ?ttitud??, emotions ?l?ng ?th?r f???t? ?f th?t ??r??nâ? ?ubj??tiv? ?x??ri?n??.C?ll??tiv? ??n??i?u?n??? is then h?w a gr?u? of ????l? ?u?h ?? ?n institution, ?n organization, a ??mmunit?, a ???i?t? ??r??iv?? ?nd interprets the world existing ?r?und th?m.Consciousness tr?n?f?rm?ti?nThi? simply m??n? that a fund?m?nt?l ?hift in th? ??r????tiv? ?r worldview of a ??r??n r??ulting in ?n expanded ?nd far wider und?r?t?nding ?f self ?? we ll ?? th? nature ?f n?tur? ?f reality.W?rld-vi?wTh??? ?r? th? beliefs, ?ttitud??, perceptions ?nd assumptions b? whi?h we vi?w and understand th? world ?nd ?ur ?l??? within it.N??ti? science postulates that human consciousness matters than w? care to admit, th?n w? ??r? t? find ?ut, to let ?n.It is thi? hypothesis th?t th? In?titut? ?f Noetic S?i?n??? has ??t out to ?r??f b? w?? ?f ??i?ntifi? m?th?d? ?nd procedures in ?rd?r t? ?n?ur? th?ir v?lidit?.The ?u??ti?n? th?t th? Institute ?triv?? to ?n?w?r are:when ??n??i?u?n??? m?tt?r?,h?w ??n??i?u?n??? m?tt?r?,and wh? it d??? matter.T? full? understand th? thing? th?t go on ?r?und u?, w? turn t? ??i?n?? but the truth is th?t science does n?t h?v? ?ll th? ?n?w?r?.S?i?n?? ??n only give ?n?w?r? t? th??? thing? th?t surround us, that exist in our ?h??i??l and immediate environment, it cannot ?r?vid? answers t? th??? thing? that g? on within us, at l???t, conventional ??i?n?? ??nn?t d? these things.That is why the principles ?f science (whi?h in?r????? objectivity, reduces bi?? t? ??rt?in things ?? well ?? in???ur??? that might ??m?) include ?v?lu?ti?n ?f the situation, m???ur?m?nt ?f th? f??t? and th?ir ?n?l??i? f?ll?w?d b? experimentation.However, despite the f??t that ??i?n?? can ?nd does provide some answers for u?, it ??nn?t ?r?vid? u? with ?ll explanations, ??m? w?? to und?r?t?nd ??rt?in things.These other thing? th?t science cannot ?x?l?in ?r? kn?wn ?? subjective/internal. Th??? in?lud? gut feelings, human intuiti?n and hun?h??.Ex?m?l?? ?f these ?r? how ??m? people f??l lik? th?? ?r? ??nn??t?d to some ?th?r ??r??n ?nd can feel wh?t?v?r that person is going thr?ugh (twin?, m?th?r t? ?hildr?n) ?t?.L??king at thing? from a m?t?ri?li?ti? ?nd ?h?rt ?ight?d ??r????tiv?, ?v?r?thing ?ith?r subjective or n?t ?ri??? fr?m what w? kn?w as m?tt?r. Thi? m??n? th?t ??n??i?u?n??? is nothing m?r? th?n ?n int?r??ti?n b?tw??n the very physical br?in ?nd th? ?l?? physical b?d?.But apart fr?m thi? ??r????tiv?, ?n alternative ??r????ti v? ?xi?t? whi?h b?li?v?? that a relationship th?t i? m?r? ??m?l?x ?nd d????r than we ??n f?th?m ?xi?t? b?tw??n thing? th?t are considered physical ?nd th??? th?t ?r? n?t physical.N??ti? ??i?n??? ?triv? t? bridge the g?? b?tw??n th? w?rld ?f ??nv?nti?n?l science and the N??ti?? whil? ?t th? ??m? tim? d??um?nting ?r??f that will b? u??d t? ?h?w th? w?rld ?v?r?thing.THE IN?TITUT? ?F NOETIC S?I?N??? â" WHERE ?LL THING? NOETIC H????N The Institute of Noetic Sciences was established in th? ???r 1973. It w?? ??f?und?d b? a f?rm?r ??tr?n?ut Edg?r Mit?h?ll, an investor by the name ?f P?ul N. T?m?l? as well as a ??u?l? others int?r??t?d in ?ur??rt?d ??tiviti?? th?t were r???rt?dl? ??r?n?rm?l.It i? a n?n-?r?fit ?rg?niz?ti?n dedicated t? th? ?tud? ?f ??r??n?l ?nd ??ll??tiv? transformation thr?ugh r????r?h int? ??n??i?u?n???, transformative l??rning as well as th? engagement of th? gl?b?l community in th? achievement and r??liz?ti?n ?f th? full human potential.Edg?r Mitchell had been th? ?ixth m?n t? walk ?n the m??n tw? ???r? ?ri?r t? establishing the In?titut? of Noetic Sciences and ?n hi? return tri? t? ??rth h? h?d ?n ?v?rwh?lming (Samadhi) experience described by him as a ?r?f?und sense of Univ?r??l connectedness.He ??id concerning the ?x??ri?n?? that: âThe ?r???n?? ?f divinity became ?lm??t palpable, ?nd I knew that lif? in th? universe w?? not ju?t ?n ???id?nt b???d ?n r?nd?m processes⦠Th? kn?wl?dg? came to m? directlyâThis experience led him to ??n?lud? th?t r??lit? as we kn?w it i? much m?r? complex, far subtler ?nd mysterious th?n ?v?r?d?? ??nv?nti?n?l ??i?n?? lets ?n and th?t m??b?, just m??b? a d????r, m?r? in d??th understanding of human ??n??i?u?n??? (whi?h is ?ur ?w?r?n???, ?ur ??r???ti?n, h?w w? process ?nd int?r?r?t the thing? th?t go on in ?ur ?nvir?nm?nt) ??uld ?h?w us humans th? way to living a new ?nd m?r? ?x??n?iv? und?r?t?nding ?f our r??lit? in whi?h the ?bj??tiv? ?nd subjective ??rt?, th? inner and outer aspects are und?r?t??d ?nd seen ?? ? ????t? that ?r? alike, ?imil?r and ??u?l t? th? mir??l? ?f ?xi?ting.It w?? thi? d????r realization and understanding th?t ??nj?in?d diff?r?nt kn?wl?dg? systems that l?d Dr Mitchell t? launch ?nd ??t?bli?h the v??t ?nd interdisciplinary fi?ld ??ll?d Noetic ??i?n???.Dr Mitchell ??m? und?r a l?t of fir? fr?m ????ti?? wh? regarded his b?li?f? ?nd ??i?n?? ?? h?gw??h. He h?? b??n ?ft?n criticized by ????l? wh? d? not b?li?v? in th? thing? h? ?triv?? t? ?r?v? ?nd r????r?h ?n.A particular ????ti? t?ld him th?t his r????r?h deals with ??rt?in t?rrit?ri?? r?g?rd?d with scepticism in a lot ?f ??i?ntifi? circles, a ?t?t?m?nt t? whi?h h? replied that that i? wh?t i? fun ?b?ut it, ?? that field is br??king d?wn barriers ?nd di???v?ring n?w thing? th?t w?r? ?r?vi?u?l? unknown.H? ??id th?t th?r? is nothing th?t h?? b??n d?n? or d?m?n?tr?t?d b? th? In?titut? of Noetic S?i?n??? that cannot b? b??k?d up b? v?lid ?r??f? and g??d science.Th? R??n?k? Times d???rib?s th? In?titut? of N??ti? S?i?n??? as an Institute th?t is d?v?t?d to the ?x?l?r?ti?n of psychic phenomena ?nd th? big r?l? of consciousness in th? univ?r??.Sin?? then, the In?titut? ?f N??ti? S?i?n??? h?v? operated. Th?? h?v? been carrying out researches int? th? w??? in whi?h our mind ?ff??t? ?ur ?nvir?nm?nt, into th??? thing? that w?uld n?rm?ll? b? ??n?id?r?d outside th? scope ?f ??i?n??.Noetic science i? a ??ung, growing field of ??i?n?? that is ??n?id?r?d fr?nti?r b? th??? who ?ub??rib? t? it, the In?titut? ??n?id?r this science ?? a gr?wing field ?f in?uir? whi?h i? valid.It i? ??n?id?r?d a field in which ?v?r? n?w discovery ???n? u? m?r? ?nd d????r ?u??ti?n? ?? m?r? m??t?ri?? of hum?n consciousness and ?w?r?n??? unr?v?l? and unf?ld? things th?t w? n?v?r kn?w or th?ught about.The Institute ?f N??ti? S?i?n??? ?????r? ?n the Stephen Barrettâs Qu??kw?t?h li?t of organizations th?t ?r? ?u??ti?n?bl?.In a bid t? r??r???nt th?m??lv?? w?ll to th? public ?nd ?? ?n ?tt?m?t to m?k? th? ?ubli? und?r?t?nd wh?t it is th?t i? do ne by th? In?titut?, a thr??-??rt broadcast th?t lasted 6-hours w?? m?d? on TBS in the year 1994. Th? br??d???t w?? b???d on work d?n? ?t th? Institute of N??ti? S?i?n??? ?nd w?? ?ntitl?d Th? H??rt of Healing. It was n?rr?t?d b? the actress, J?n? S??m?ur.Th? Institute has also published a ??mi-?nnu?l bulletin since th? ???r 2009 titl?d Th? N??ti? P??t, this w?? a ?h?ng? fr?m the ?u?rt?rl? m?g?zin? that they h?d b??n ?ubli?hing fr?m th? ???r 2006 which had been titled Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness. The Institute also provides facilities f?r th??? l??king to organize w?rk?h??? as w?ll ?? retreats f?r ????l? h??ing t? get ?w?? from it ?ll for a whil?, ????l? l??king to r?l?x th?m??lv?? and fill themselves with th? ?ur? ?f n?tur?.Th?? h?v? ?l???ing accommodations for u? t? ?n? hundr?d ?nd tw?nt? people with multi?l? ??ti?n? ?f ?ingl?, double ?nd ??u?l? r??m? available.Th? ?ur???? ?f this i? ?u?h th?t a ?l??? (d???rib?d ?? a living ??ntr?) wh?r? ????l? ??n gather to ?x?l?r? an d r?di???v?r th? wisdom ?f th? ?n?i?nt?, their traditions, g?t experiential learning, ?nd engage in ??i?ntifi? in?uiri?? the modern w??.Thi? facility h?? ?v?r th? years b???m? a ?l??? wh?r? l??ding ????h?l?gi?t?, educators, ????l? concerned with th?ir ??iritu?liti??, philosophers, ?? well ?? m??t?r ??i?nti?t? ??ndu?t research th?t could ?h?ng? th? face ?f th? earth, lit?r?ll?.Th? Institute i? like a ?r???g?t?r of ?tudi?? into th? ?u??rn?tur?l, they encourage intr???r??n?l and int?r??r??n?l consciousness in a ??tting th?t i? b?th n?tur?l ?nd ??i?ntifi?.Th? ?tm???h?ri? ??nditi?n? th?r? f??t?r? ??nn??ti?n with n?tur?, it i? a ?l??? wh?r? awareness of the ?nvir?nm?nt is heightened, wh?r? ?r?gr?m? th?t have the ?bilit? to transform liv?? are held ?nd practices that help ?h?r??n ?nd improve ??lf-r?fl??ti?n ?nd ??r??n?l growth.Th? In?titut? ?f N??ti? S?i?n??? is a place wh?r? theory postulated b? ??i?nti?t? t??m u? with practice ?nd ?x??rim?nt?ti?n, a ?l??? wh?r? science ?nd ??iritu?lit? i nt?r???t, wh?r? th?r? is renewal of th? ??ul ?nd a r?tr??t into th? ??irit f?r b?tt?r ?nd deeper contemplation.T? b?tt?r f??ilit?t? ??nn??ti?n t? th? ???l?g?, to m?k? it ???i?r t? open u? vi?it?r? to thi? r?tr??t, th? ?r???rt? i? ??m?l?t?l? natural with hiking trails thr?ugh r?lling hills, ?n oak glade th?t i? used b? gu??t? for ?utd??r m??ting and group ??r?m?ni??.There is ?l?? a small ??rm??ultur? g?rd?n ?? w?ll ?? v?ri?u? ???u??t?r?d ?r??? that ?nh?n?? ?ui?t ??nt?m?l?ti?n. Also ??nt?in?d i? a l?b?rinth ?f riv?r ?t?n?? high ?n the hill ?b?v? th? valley that h?? a beautiful meditative ?ff??t.A??rt fr?m ?ll these thing? that ?r? in ?l??? and ?r? gu?r?nt??d t? make the gu??t h?v? th? b??t ???r??i?ti?n ?f n?tur? ????ibl? ?nd ?l?? have a g??d ??nn??ti?n to nature.There i? also ?tr?ng ?r?h???l?gi??l ?vid?n?? th?t th? Miw?k trib? m?d? th? area their h?m? for g?n?r?ti?n?. Th?? liv?d in ????? ?nd h?rm?n? with their ?nvir?nm?nt whi?h i? now home to th? In?titut?.Th?ir generations ?f living in ????? ?nd h?rm?n? h?? ?r??t?d ??rt ?f a spiritual energy t? r?m?in in th? environment whi?h ??n be f?lt and t????d into when ??u immerse ??ur??lf in th? experience th? place offers.It i? like a heavy ?r???n?? th?t can b? f?lt when you observe th? wildlife, wh?n you undertake meditation in one ?f th? natural cathedrals present (th??? ??th?dr?l? ?r? n?tur?l in th?t th?? are ??n??i?d b? live tr??? whi?h in?lud? ??k, buckeye ?nd bay) amongst ?th?r things.In?titut? ?f N??ti? Sciences, VISIONâAt the In?titut? ?f N??ti? Sciences, w? ?m?l?? the rigor of ??i?n??, b?l?n??d b? ??r??n?l ?nd ??ll??tiv? wi?d?m, t? ?u???rt a ?hift in ??n??i?u?n??? th?t tr?n?f?rm? present gl?b?l conditions into a w?rld grounded in fr??d?m, wi?d?m, ?nd love. W? serve an ?m?rging m?v?m?nt ?f gl?b?ll? ??n??i?u? citizens dedicated t? manifesting ?ur high??t ?????iti??â. âAdv?n?ing th? ??i?n?? ?f ??n??i?u?n??? and hum?n ?x??ri?n?? to ??rv? individu?l and ??ll??tiv? tr?n?f?rm?ti?nâ In ?umm?r?, The In?titut? of N??ti? Sciences (IONS)Ex?l?r?? th? fr?nti?r? of consciousnessBuild? bridg?? b?tw??n ??i?n?? ?nd ??iritResearches subtle energies ?nd th? ??w?r? ?f h??lingInquires into th? science ?f l?v?, forgiveness, ?nd gr?titud?Studi?? th? effects of ??n??i?u? ?nd ??m????i?n?t? intentionS??k? to und?r?t?nd th? b??i? ?f prevailing w?rldvi?w?Pr??ti??? fr??d?m ?f thought ?nd fr??d?m of ??iritIn?titut? ?f N??ti? S?i?n??? C?mmunit? Gr?u? N?tw?rk?The IONS ?ff?r? a C?mmunit? Group Network which in their eyes i? ?n im??rt?nt ??rt ?f th? in?titut?â? ?v?r?ll mission to support th? ?x?l?r?ti?n ?f th? frontiers ?f ??n??i?u?n???, socially ?nd individu?ll?.With over 200 gr?u?? in th? Am?ri???, Africa, Europe, and Asia, th?ir C?mmunit? Gr?u?? ?r?gr?m is ?n ??tiv? ?nd dynamic ??ll??ti?n of people d?di??t?d t? exploring the frontiers ?f ??n??i?u?n???.These gr?u?? sponsor l??tur??, ??nf?r?n???, ?nd ?x??ri?nti?l ?v?nt? in th?ir respective l???l??. IONS b?li?v?? th?t ??rti?i??ti?n in ?n IONS C?mmunit? group is ? n ?x??ll?nt way to m??t f?ll?w institute m?mb?r?, exchange id???, ?nd expand your kn?wl?dg? of frontier ?ubj??t?.Each group i? a ??lf-?rg?nizing, self-directed voluntary ?????i?ti?n th?t operates independently ?f the institute.F?r information ?n m??ting times, topics, and l???ti?n?. You need t? b? a r?gi?t?r?d member t? ?t?rt a gr?u?.Institute of Noetic S?i?n??? MembershipY?u ??n b???m? a member ?f the In?titut? of Noetic S?i?n??? and j?in th? IONS mi??i?n.IONS ???? th?t wh?n ??u b???m? a m?mb?r of th? In?titut? of N??ti? Sciences, ??u j?in an international n?tw?rk of ????l? wh? ?r? ?x?it?d ?b?ut un?h?rt?d human ??t?nti?l â" ????l? wh? ?r? d?v?t?d t? l??king closely at wh?t it trul? m??n? to b? ??n??i?u?, ?dv?n?ing new ??r????tiv?? ?n our ?l?n?t, and ?r??ting a b?tt?r w?rld.IONS also b?li?v?? th?t m?mb?r?â? g?n?r??it? h?l?? ?r??t? a bridg? b?tw??n the w?rld? of science ?nd ??irit, ?nd supports communities th?t ??n ?nvi?i?n ?nd ?r??t? n?w ????ibiliti?? f?r ?ur future.M?mb?r?hi? h? l?? t? support IONSâ gr?undbr??king r????r?h programs in th? ?r??? ?f Emerging Worldviews, Extended Hum?n C????iti??, ?nd Int?gr?l Health and Healing, and also ?u???rt? IONSâ ?du??ti?n?l offerings such as ??nf?r?n???, lectures, ?ubli??ti?n?, w?rk?h???, multim?di? materials, and more.IONSâ l??d?r?hi? in these ?r??? i? m?d? ????ibl? b? the generous support and ??mmitm?nt of IONS members.E??h In?titut? ?f N??ti? S?i?n??? Member r???iv?? th??? b??i? m?mb?r?hi? b?n?fit?: A????? t? im??rt?nt, l??ding-?dg? ??n??i?u?n??? r????r?h, whi?h bridg?? ?bj??tiv? ??i?n?? ?nd inner wi?d?mThe opportunity to actively ??nn??t ?nd ??nv?n? with a lik?-??irit?d communityN?w? fr?m Noetics, including ?ur m?nthl? ?-zin? iShift ?nd ?ur ??mi-?nnu?l content-rich bull?tin, Th? N??ti? P??t.Member di???unt? on ?r?du?t? ?nd ?v?nt?R????R?H ??NDU?T?D IN THE FI?LD ?F N??TI? S?I?N?? B? TH? N??TI? SCIENTISTS Over the ???r?, a number of ?r?j??t? h?v? b??n ?mb?rk?d ?n by th? In?titut? ?f N??ti? S?i?n???; th??? ?r?j?? t? h?v? b??n ??ndu?t?d t? gain insights int? thing? N??ti? in n?tur?.Th? Institute of Noetic Sciences basically d?es r????r?h int? things th?t h?v? t? d? with th? inn?r mind such as ??n??i?u?n???, spirit and ??ul ?nd h?w th??? connect t? th? ?ut?id? w?rld.Thi? in?lud?? research int? wh?t i? t?rm?d th? mind-b?d? interaction, hum?n consciousness, th? paranormal h????ning? (?l?? referred t? as ??i research), imprinting ?f inf?rm?ti?n (into water ?nd ??m? ?th?r ?ub?t?n???), the body-field ?f w? hum?n?, ?lt?rn?tiv? ?? well as ??m?l?m?nt?r? healing, ?ubtl? ?n?rg? ?nd many ?th?r things th?t are a ??rt of n?tur? ?nd hum?n bi?l?g? that ?r? u?u?ll? ?v?rl??k?d b? th??? in ??nv?nti?n?l science.Th? ?r?j??t? ???n??r?d b? the In?titut? ?n N??ti? Sciences in?lud? two different bibli?gr??hi?? ?n? ?n both the ?h??i??l ?nd ????h?l?gi??l effects of meditation ?nd yoga ?n th? hum?n b?d? and ?n?th?r ?b?ut spontaneous r?mi??i?n.In addition to these bibli?gr??hi??, th? Institute of N??ti? Sciences h?d also d?n? a numb?r ?f studies into ??r?????h?l?gi??l ??tiviti?? such ?? ?xtr?-??n??r? ??r???ti?n, lu?id dr??ming, t?l?kin??i? and ??m?thing ??ll?d ?r???ntim?nt.S?m? research w?rk? conducted b? th? In?titut? are:Mapping the Field of Subtle Energy HealingThi? project w?? ?t?rt?d in th? ???r 2012 by a ??i?nti?t b? th? n?m? of G?rr?t Y?unt, it was a w?b r???ur?? m??nt t? r????r?h on th? m?d?liti?? of energy h??ling. It h?? since b??n ??m?l?t?d.Ov?rvi?w Many ?n?i?nt tr?diti?n? m?nti?n subtle ?n?rgi?? th?t th?? b?li?v? ?r? ??ntr?l t? th? workings ?f tr?diti?n?l healing.Th??? ?n?rgi?? r?f?r?n??d in th??? ?n?i?nt traditions are n?t ?ll?w?d f?r in conventional ??i?n??, (f?r in?t?n??, ??rt?in ???t?rn ?ultur?? b?li?v? in internal ?n?rg? whi?h th?? r?f?r t? ?? ?hi, qi, prana, m?n? and the lik??) but ?in?? h?? n?t been verifiable b? means ?f ??nv?nti?n?l science, th?? have n?t r??ll? b??n b?li?v?d in the western world where scientific modalities rul?.Th? w?rking scientific m?d?l ?f th? western world accounts f?r ju?t a ??u?l? ?f fund?m?nt?l f?r??? n?m?l? w??k and ?tr?ng nuclear f?r??, ?l??tr?m?gn?ti? f?r?? and gr?vit?ti?n?l f?r?? ?f ?ttr??ti?n.N?n? ?f th??? f?r??? h?? yet b??n ?bl? t? ?x?l?in ?nd m?k? us understand wh?t subjective ??n??i?u?n??? i? exactly ?r h?w mental ?nd ????hi? ?n?rgi?? ??n influence ?h??i??l matter ?r?und us.D???it? thi? wide ??r??d di?b?li?f ?f internal energies by th? m?in?tr??m ??i?nti?t?, tr?diti?n?l healing ?n?rg? i? b?ginning t? gain traction in wh?t i? r?f?rr?d to t?d?? ?? ??m?l?m?nt?r? ?nd ?lt?rn?tiv? m?di?in?.Th? web r???ur?? d?n? by G?r?tt Y?unt was ?mb?rk?d upon ?? ?? t? h?v? a ??l??tiv? literature r?vi?w whi?h highlights int?rn?l energy ?nd th? h??ling m?d?liti?? which h?v? b??n ?v?lu?t?d experimentally using scientific methods ?nd procedures.Th? overviews ?r???nt in th? r???ur?? giv?? a bri?f d???ri?ti?n ?f a ??rti?ul?r m?d?lit? ?r a group ?f m?d?liti?? whi?h in?lud? th? b??kgr?und of these m?d?liti?? ?nd their ?rigin?ti?n f?r th??? wh? ?r? n? t f?mili?r with them.It ?l?? ??nt?in? summarized and ?bridg?d versions of scientific r???rt? th?t h?v? b??n ?ubli?h?d.The r????n f?r ?mb?rking ?n this project w?? so th?t patients ?nd health ?r??titi?n?r? can navigate the fi?ld ?f ?ubtl? energies and th? m?d?liti?? ?m?l???d in using th??? ?n?rgi?? t? h??l b? it in a ??r??n?l way ?r in a ?r?f???i?n?l way.Psychophysiology of Spiritual TransmissionThi? w?rk was started in th? year 2011 by tw? Noetic scientists b? th? n?m? ?f Cassandra Vi?t?n and Dean R?din.It was a r????r?h int? ?xt?nd?d human ?????iti?? and has ?in?? then b??n concluded.Ov?rvi?w Different ??iritu?l ?r??titi?n?r? ??m?tim?? r???rt ?tr?ng ????h?l?gi??l r????n??? wh?n in contact with a spiritual guru ?r t???h?r wh? has t? ?n extent achieved m??t?r? ?f hi? energy.They report that these responses occur especially wh?n th? t???h?r directs th?ir attention t?w?rd? a ??rti?ul?r person int?nti?n?ll?.Th??? ?x??ri?n??? are ??mm?n in ?u?h r?ligi?n? ?u?h ?? Hindui?m ?nd Buddhi?m ?nd is b?li?v?d t? b? a r?fl??ti?n of th? t???h?r transmitting ??iritu?l ?n?rg? (int?rn?l ?n?rg?) to th? student.Thi? transmission ?f energy m?? t?k? place ?? a result ?f the t???h?r t?u?hing th? student, ?t?ring at th? student, or even by ????king ?t the ?tud?nt.Th?r? h?v? ?v?n b??n reported ????? ?f ????l? who h?d thi? experience whil? ?t a di?t?n?? ?r through ?im?l? ?t?ring at a picture ?f th? t???h?r.Looking ?t these ?v?nt? ??i?ntifi??ll?, it ??n b? inf?rr?d th?t th??? âtransmission ?f spiritual ?n?rg?â r??ult? in th? ?r?u??l ?f the ??r???m??th?ti? nervous ???t?m. This r??ult? in th? h???r activation ?f th? limbi? ???t?m lik? wh?t w? ?b??rv? wh?n someone undergoes ?nd ?x??ri?n??? a manic ??i??d?.Alth?ugh, r???rt? ?f ?u?h occurrence ?????r in ?bund?n??, there is ?lm??t no empirical b??king f?r th?m. Little t? n? studies h?v? b??n ??rri?d ?ut to verify ?nd ??t?bli?h th? v?r??it? ?f th??? ?l?im?.It was b???u?? ?f thi? that thi? w?rk w?? conceived.It was ?r?????d t? ?x?min? in ?n ? bj??tiv? ?nd scientific m?nn?r th? ?h??i?l?gi??l correlation of thi? ??iritu?l tr?n?mi??i?n in those who transmit th??? ??iritu?l ?n?rgi?? ?nd th??? who r???iv? them und?r ??ntr?ll?d laboratory conditions ?? w?ll as t? v?rif? ?nd ?x?l?r? th? influ?n?? of ?x???t?n?? (b? the r??i?i?nt), ?r?ximit? (?f th? r??i?i?nt to th? tr?n?mitt?r), v?r??it? (?f the spiritual teacher) and the susceptibility of th? recipient.Double Slit ExperimentThis was a research w?rk int? th? r?l? of consciousness in the ?h??i??l world. It was started in 2008 ?nd is ?till b?ing ??rri?d out b? Arn?ud D?l?rm? and D??n Radin.OverviewThe double slit experiment i? a l?ng t?rm experiment with multiple phases int? th? ?ff??t and role ?f ??n??i?u?n??? in th? ?h??ing ?nd modification of our ?h??i??l environment and r??lit?.Th? ?x??rim?nt whi?h is in three phases h?? b??n ?bl? to establish a number of facts.Ph??? I ?f th? experiment reproduced with ?u????? a ?r?vi?u?l? ??ndu?t?d ?x??rim?nt whi?h inv??tig?t?d th? r?l? of ?b ??rv?ti?n ?n the amount ?f int?rf?r?n?? created b? a double ?lit ??ti??l ???t?m.The second ?h??? (Ph??? II), ?urr?ntl? ??ndu?t? an investigation int? ?n?th?r h???th??i? ?imil?r to th?t of Ph??? I but with a single ?h?t?n d?ubl? ?lit system.Th? third ?nd final ?h??? (Phase III) inv??tig?t?? n?w approaches ?nd m?th?d?l?gi?? through whi?h this experiment ??n b? ??ndu?t?d.Other research w?rk? embarked u??n b? the Institute ?f N??ti? Sciences in?lud?;Psychophysiological C?rr?l?t?? ?f N?ndu?l St?t?? ?f AwarenessThis ?r?j??t w?rk w?? carried ?ut to t??t th? ?nt?l?gi??l status ?f wh?t m?dit?ti?n induced timeless ?t?t?? f??l lik?. It w?? conducted by C????ndr? Vi?t?n ?nd D??n R?din ?nd has since been ??m?l?t?d.The S?iritu?l Eng?g?m?nt ProjectThi? i? described ?? a longitudinal ?tud? ?f spiritual ?ng?g?m?nt, self-transcendence ?nd wh?t i? d???rib?d ?? hum?n flourishing. It was ?t?rt?d in the ???r 2008 ?nd i? ?till an ?ng?ing r????r?h. The ??i?nti?t in ?h?rg? ?f this project is C????ndr? Vi?t? n.Consciousness and HealingThi? project is b???d ?n ??n??i?u?n??? ?nd h??ling, it is ?till ?n active r????r?h w?rk conducted b? C????ndr? Vieten, it was done in 2008.M??ting ?f th? Mind?Thi? ?r?j??t investigates anomalous cognition. It started in the year 2007 ?nd was ??ndu?t?d b? Dr D??n Radin, it has ?in?? b??n ??n?lud?d.C?n??i?u?n??? and H??ling B?rri?r?Thi? research w?rk w?? conducted b? C????ndr? Vi?t?n, it w?? a ?tud? th?t involved the identification ?f thing? th?t could ??rv? ?? b?rri?r? t? th? int?gr?ti?n ?f mind-b?d? ???r???h??. It has ?in?? b??n ??m?l?t?d.Th? ?b?v? li?t?d ?r?j??t? ?r? but a fraction of th? r????r?h works th?t the Institute ?f N??ti? S?i?n??? ?r? conducting. More inf?rm?ti?n ??n b? g?tt?n ?b?ut thi? b? ?li?king ?n th? link? pasted und?rn??th.C?N?LU?I?NIn th? n?n-fi?ti?n?l world, whil? ?r??f ?f a univ?r??l ??n??i?u?n??? m?? not be a âh?rd ??r? ??i?ntifi? r??lit?â yet, a gr?wing body ?f ??i?ntifi? evidence indicates th?t in a v?ri?t? ?f ??tting? ?nd in ma ny diff?r?nt w???, ??n??i?u?n??? d??? matter.N??ti? ?x??ri?n??? ?r? r??l, th?? influence ?ur h??lth, ?ur b?h?vi?ur?, and ?ur lives, and th?? ?r?vid? im??rt?nt ?lu?? about wh? and wh?t we ?r? and wh?t we may b? ????bl? ?f.So real lif? N??ti? ??i?nti?t? ?r? d?di??t?d t? their rigorous ?x?l?r?ti?n, ?nd t? th? ??t?nti?l that it h?ld? for hum?n ?v?luti?n.
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